Friday, March 29, 2019

of Popularism

of Kenyan Popularism.

In this said entry that is, and on what is in all said as of Popularism in itself too that is, and in said Kenya, and East Africa too that is, now is to and in all even, equate it all too that is, and to talk too now and of, and of the said even now Populist too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of a said even now Kenya that is, and as in all said now as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Central Province too that is. Of the said Populist that is, and as in all too said now as perceived that is, and from the said even now Kiswahili term too that is, and of said Tazama too that is, and in the now saying it all, and as in all said as a term too that is, and that does and in all even differentiate that is, or in all too divide that is, talk, and of said Kenya that is, and of said East Africa too that is, and along the said even now lines that is, and of what are in all said as of Borders too that is, and if not of the said even now Bordering in itself too that is.

That in all and again that is, and in the said now claiming or saying that, what is in all said as of Tazama that is, does and in all even, encompass, talk, and of what is in all said as of Shock, Awe, Astonishment, Surprise, Amazement etc. that is, now is to and in all even, perceive it all, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of Popular Creed in itself too that is, and as in all said now perceived that is, and in a said comparison and to, and to what is in all said as of Belief in itself too that is, and in the now claiming or saying that, in talk and of what is in all said as of Belief in itself that is, and in said Popular Creed in itself too that is, now is to and in all even reference that is, talk, and of what is in all said as of Creed in itself too that is, and as in all said now as perceived that is, and in talk too now and of, and of said Autonomy in itself that is, and if not of the said even now Autonomous in itself too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the Authoritarian in itself too that is, and if not of the said even now Authoritative in itself too that is.

In the now saying that, that what is in all said as of Popular Creed in itself that is, and in said Kenya that is, or East Africa too that is, does now and in all even refer and to, and to what is in all said as of Media in itself that is, and in said Kenya, and East Africa too that is, and as in all said now as perceived that is, and in talk too and of, and of the said Popular too that is, and if not in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Alternating in itself too that is, now is to and in all even claim or say that, what is in all said as of Belief in itself that is, and as in all said as Kenyan, or East African too that is,  is in all too best said now as perceived that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the Mythic in itself too that is.

In talk now and of, and of what is in all said as of Popular culture in itself that is, and in said Kenya that is, and East Africa too that is, now is to and in all even say it all, and as in all said as of Vidokezo too that is, [Link], Kiswahili, and in said Kenya too that is, and if not and as in all said as of Vitimbi too that is, [Link], and in said East Africa too that is, and in the now saying that, what is in all said as of the Mythic in itself too that is, and in the said too attempt here, and to and in all even align that is, talk, and of said even now Popular Media too that is, and in said Kenya, or East Africa too that is, and to the said even now Mythic in itself too that is, can now and in all, be as said as perceived that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Debate too that is, and on what is in all said as of the Indigene that is, and in said East Africa too, and if not of the said even now Indigenous too that is, and in said Kenya too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of said East Africa that is, and as in all said now as perceived that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Nationalistic too that is, [Link], and of a said even now Kenya too that is, and as in all said now as perceived that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Patriotic too that is, [Link].

That in the said even now, concluding and on all this said that is, now is to and in all even perceive that is, talk, and of the said Nationalistic that is, and of said East Africa too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the Radio Medium too that is, and in the now saying that, what is in all said as of the Patriotic that is, and in talk too now and of, and of said Kenya too that is, is in all even best said as perceived that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said Television Medium too that is, and in the now saying that, what can and in all, or is in all said as of the Internet Medium too that is, is in all too said as representative that is, and in its said Contents too that is, and if not in the said Discussion in itself too that is, and of what is in all said as of the Native, Traditional, Cultural, Tribal, Folk, "Local" etc. that is, and in both said now Kenya, and East Africa too that is.

In talk now and of, and of a said Kenya that is, and if not of a said East Africa too that is, and as in all said now as perceived that is, and as in all said as Modernized too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the Kiswahili term that is, and of said Nyumba too that is, now is to and in all even say it all, and as in all said as defined too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Discourse in itself too that is, [Link], Political, and that would and in all even correspond and to, and to the said even now differing Political Mapping that is, and of a said Kenya today too that is, and as in all said now as perceived that is, and in talk too now and of, and of said Counties, Governors, and of said Senators too that is.

That in all and again that is, this said differing that is, and if not and as in all said as new too that is, relatively, Political Mapping that is, and of the said Republic of Kenya too that is, can now and in all best be as said as referenced that is, and if not and as said as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the Administrative Unit that is, and of the said County too that is, of the said terming and of the said Seat too that is, Political, and of the said even now Governor too that is, and if not in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the Round that is, and of the said even now Chairperson too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Senator too that is. In all and again that is, talk too now and of, and of a said even now reference that is, and to the said even now Kiswahili term too that is, and of said Bunge too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the Kenyan that is, and of the said East African too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Political in itself too that is.